______________________________________________________________________________ AC ACTPLT is a module which produes a contour plot on a plot device. One needs to specify the intensity levels for the contours that will be displayed. A limit of 10 contours may be plotted. The user is also prompted for pen widths, colors, etc., but here, default values can be taken. After the plot has been drawn, it is possible to turn on the cursor and read coordinate values. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 22-OCT-1991 11:52:46.00 OPTION=AC ACTPLT, Version 7 Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=GAL1 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 ....A default was taken here 320 1 512 Enter the kind of plot desired: 1 = Contour follower (default) 2 = Symbol plotter 3 = Equidistant contour plotter 4 = Line scanner 5 = Fast and simple line scanner 6 = "1" + file of positions KIND= 1 Enter the intensity levels for the contours: CONTOURS=450 500 Enter a command for the calculation of offsets and scales: A = Automatic selection while preserving aspect ratio (default) C = Previously established ACTPLT values S = Previously established SAOimage values M = Manual selection COMMAND= A Enter the plot devices: S = SAOimage -S = SAOimage, no erasure of screen G = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550) G4 = Graphics terminal emulator (Versaterm) X = Xterm (default) F = File DEVICES= X Enter the desired contour: N = No dashing (default) D = Dashing alternating with solid (first is dashed) Enter the penwidths in thousandths for the contour(s): (defaults = 23, 23, etc.) PENWIDTHS= ....The default was taken Enter the colors for the contour(s): (defaults = yellow, magenta, green, blue, cyan, moccasin, red with rollover COLORS= ....The default was taken The following commands are available following completion of the plot a = Allows the user to enter annotation at the location of the crosshairs with the color most recently selected. ^A = Prompts user for the height of the annotation C = Turns on the crosshairs and by pressing the <CR>, prints the values at that location; typing Q turns off the crosshairs. c = Allows the user to change the vector color Yellow = 16777422, Red = 16777419, Green = 16777420 Blue = 16777421, White = 16777418 F = Draws a frame around the plot H = Help O = Redoes the original plot P = Plots a cross at the given pixel coordinates Q = Returns. q = Returns. V = Draws a solid vector of the color most recently selected. v = Allows the user to be prompted for the starting and ending physical values of a vector. ....At this point, the plot is drawn. Command C was used to read a position from the map. X=115.4991 Y=282.0305 ....The screen is erased by pressing the <CR>. Do you wish to do more plotting with this map? (default = N) MORE= F ______________________________________________________________________________