_______________________________________________________________ AF Conversion to 'absolute' flux Option ABSFLX takes the final (averaged ?) calibration curve (from OK) and applies it to the rest of the data, [which has been prepared (flat-fielding, coincidence correction, scrunching, etc.) in exactly the same way as the flux standard(s)]. a) AIRMAS is calculated from header info - extinction coefs should be as used in OKECAL. For 2D data there are 2 observational possibilities: i) use CD to produce a mask from the calib star and then use this mask to extract (XT) individual line spectra to be calibrated. The std may be masked, used in OK to -> calibration and then Either the entire 2Dmap calibrated and the "line" spectra extracted later OR the extraction may be done first. (The opp is commutative.) or ii) Do the objects at a fixed slit position, then sum constant object rows and subtract constant sky rows to produce '1 row' data. This is obviously unsatisfactory for extended objects. See FLUXCAL.DOC in the DOCUMENT area for more detailes. __________________________________________________________________ Uses the K(LAMBDA) array from OKECAL to convert observed (SCR UNCHED) spectra into absolute flux F(lambda) vs lambda. __________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLE TYPE OPTIE 25-SEP-1981 05:24:23.11 >>>AF OPTION AF OPEN THE FILE TO BE CONVERTED TO ABSOLUTE FLUX TYPE FILENAME (<CR> FOR DEFAULT) FILI=LLINE There are 11 maps in the file Reading from the file 1 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format TYPE INPUT MAPNUMBERS TO BE CONVERTED (Def = ALL) MAPI=1 TYPE OUTPUT MAPNUMBERS (Def = MAPI) MAPO=1 DO YOU WISH TO STORE THE EXTINCTION COEF ? (Y or N) ___ extinction as fn. wavelength can be stored to use in weighting data ! EXT=Y OPEN A FILE TO STORE THE EXT COEF Number of rows in the file can be anything > 1 Number of pixels must be: 2040 TYPE FILENAME (<CR> FOR DEFAULT) FILO=EXTN Writing to an existing file 15 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format TYPE OUTPUT MAP MAPEO=1 TRANSFER FITS MAP HEADER TO THE COEF FILE ? SAME=N TYPE OUTPUT ROW ROWEO=1 OPEN THE FLUX CALIBRATION FILE TYPE FILENAME (<CR> FOR DEFAULT) FILC=SCALIB There are 2 maps in the file Reading from the file 1 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format TYPE MAPNUMBER OF CALIBRATION ARRAY MAPC=2 SPECIFY 3 COEFS FOR EXTINC = A/X**4 + B/X**1.3 + C where X = LAM/10000 DEFAULTS ARE : RAYLEIGH A = 0.0092 DUST B = 0.0 CONSTANT C = 0.06 EXTCO= 0.920000E-02 0.000000E+00 0.600000E-01 SELECT OUTPUT DATA UNIT 1 F(Lambda) vs lambda (DEF) 2 F(nu) vs lambda TYPE OUTPUT OPTION OPT=1 The dwell times are read from the map headers Do you want to specify the dwells yourself ? CHECK= F _________________________________________________________________