______________________________________________________________________________ BB BBEN is a module which performs aperture photometry on star or small galaxy images. Provision is made for selected quadrants of the sky annulus to be weighted as zero if there is interference from nearby objects. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 3-SEP-1987 17:34:26.80 OPTION=BB BBEN, Version 7 Open the SAD file to be photometered Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE= F022152 There are 3 maps in the file Enter the map number: (default = 1) MAP=2 Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open a file for the measurements to be put into Add the results to an existing file? (default = N) OLD= F Enter the file name: (default = last entry) FILE_22=B022152 Enter comments for the output file: COMMENTS=Measured by Donald Gudehus Enter a command: P = Positions from cursor #3; Grinnell already loaded (default) G = Positions from cursor #3; need to load Grinnell F = Positions contained in file prepared by option CT M = Manual input of positions COMMAND= P Enter the exposure time in seconds: (default = header value) EXPOSURE= 2700.00 Define the radii for the apertures R1 = object radius, R2 = inner sky radius, R3 = outer sky radius Enter R1, R2, and R3: RADII=9 11 25 Do you wish to vary the object's radius from R1 to R2? (default = N) VARY= F Enter the object's ID (up to 17 characters allowed): (\ to quit) ID=1 Move cursor #3 to the center of this object and press the <CR> Cursor #3 is at 74 67 in the map Do you wish to change the radii? (default = N) CHANGE= F Enter code for each quadrant: 0 = Want it excluded 1 = Want it measured (default) 2 = Abort this object QUADRANT_CODES= 1 1 1 1 Enter the object's ID (up to 17 characters allowed): (\ to quit) ID=2 Move cursor #3 to the center of this object and press the <CR> Cursor #3 is at 121 63 in the map Do you wish to change the radii? (default = N) CHANGE= F Enter code for each quadrant: 0 = Want it excluded 1 = Want it measured (default) 2 = Abort this object QUADRANT_CODES= 1 1 1 1 Enter the object's ID (up to 17 characters allowed): (\ to quit) ID=3 Move cursor #3 to the center of this object and press the <CR> Cursor #3 is at 6 138 in the map Do you wish to change the radii? (default = N) CHANGE= F Enter code for each quadrant: 0 = Want it excluded 1 = Want it measured (default) 2 = Abort this object QUADRANT_CODES= 1 1 1 1 Enter the object's ID (up to 17 characters allowed): (\ to quit) ID=4 Move cursor #3 to the center of this object and press the <CR> Cursor #3 is at 112 122 in the map Do you wish to change the radii? (default = N) CHANGE= F Enter code for each quadrant: 0 = Want it excluded 1 = Want it measured (default) 2 = Abort this object QUADRANT_CODES=1 1 0 1 ...The third quadrant was rejected for the sky. Enter the object's ID (up to 17 characters allowed): (\ to quit) ID=\ ...The output data file is presented below. Because it is 132 columns wide, it has been broken into halves. The date, filter, and UT information are taken from the header keywords. If they are not present, ABSENT is written in their place. The first half is: Measured by Donald Gudehus Measurements begun: 3-SEP-87 FILE ROW SKY(AVG) N_SKY RADIUS(STAR) STAR(AV-AV) ID COLUMN SKY(CNTRD) ME_SKY RADIUS(SKY) STAR(AV-CT) F022152 74.500 491.400 1592 9.0 1798.688 1 67.500 491.329 8.1 25.0 1816.836 F022152 121.500 491.505 1592 9.0 1454.148 2 63.500 491.516 8.0 25.0 1451.242 F022152 6.500 492.078 968 9.0 1083.925 3 138.500 491.825 9.2 25.0 1141.461 F022152 112.500 491.925 1194 9.0 1657.844 4 122.500 491.984 9.3 25.0 1642.836 The second half is: N_STAR MAG(AV-AV) DATE FILTER EXPOSURE UT ME_STAR MAG(AV-CT) QUAD FWHMA FWHMB THETA 256 30.441 6-06-83 6000 2700.000 05:05:00 12.2 30.430 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 256 30.672 6-06-83 6000 2700.000 05:05:00 11.8 30.674 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 228 30.991 6-06-83 6000 2700.000 05:05:00 12.4 30.935 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 256 30.530 6-06-83 6000 2700.000 05:05:00 12.6 30.539 1 1 0 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 Enter an option: 3-SEP-1987 17:36:35.80 OPTION= ______________________________________________________________________________