______________________________________________________________________________ BI BINUP is a module which bins pixel values in a SAD file by averaging within a rectangular area of dimensions input by the user. Each rectangular area corresponds to one pixel in the output file. Edited areas (zero values) in the input file are ignored when calculating an average. The output file can be the same size as the input file or different. If the maps written to exist prior to using this program, only the binned area is overwritten. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 14:46:14.85 OPTION=BI BINUP, Version 2 Open the file to be binned Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=TEST There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Enter the area to be binned Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 320 1 512 Enter the bin lengths in X and Y: (defaults = 3 3) BIN_LENGTHS= 3 3 The calculated size of the output image is 106 by 170 pixels Enter the name of the file to be written to: FILE=TEST_OUT NMAPS= 1 NPLNS= 1 NROWS= 170 NELS= 106 Creating new file Enter the starting location in the output file for the binning rectangle containing pixel location 1,1 in the input file: (default = 1 1) STARTING_LOCATION= 1 1 Enter the output map number: (default = 1) MAPS_OUT= 1 Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 14:47:03.09 OPTION= ______________________________________________________________________________