______________________________________________________________________________ CF CUTOFF is a module which revalues pixel values which are outside lower and upper cuttoff levels and are within a chosen area. If the user so desires, a requirement that the eight surrounding pixels be within a selected range can be invoked. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 19:52:14.46 OPTION=CF CUTOFF, Version 6 Open the file to have lower and upper cutoffs applied. Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_IN=TEST There are 2 maps in the file Reading from the file 400 rows of 576 pixels in R4 format Open the output file NMAPS= 1 NPLNS= 1 NROWS= 400 NELS= 576 Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_OUT= TEST Writing to an existing file There are 2 maps in the file 400 rows of 576 pixels in R4 format Enter the input map numbers: (default = all) MAPS_IN=1 Enter the output map number: (default = 1 after last map) MAPS_OUT=2 Enter a command: AS = Position from cursor; SAOimage already loaded S = Position from cursor; need to load SAOimage M = Manual input of boundaries (default) COMMAND=S Select a frame buffer size: 1 = 512 X 512 (default) 2 = 800 X 800 3 = 1024 X 1024 4 = 1600 X 1600 5 = 2048 X 2048 6 = 4096 X 4096 7 = 4096 X 1024 8 = 1024 X 4096 9 = 1144 X 880 10 = 1144 X 764 11 = 128 X 128 12 = 256 X 256 13 = 90 X 90 FRAME_BUFFER=2 Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 576 1 400 The upper left corner of the frame buffer is (0, 0) Enter the starting location of the lower left corner of the map boundary in the frame buffer:) (default = map centered in frame buffer) LOWER_LEFT= 112 599 Enter the minimum and maximum intensities: (defaults = 0 1000) MINIMUM_MAXIMUM=200 16000 Enter the lower and upper cutoff levels: CUTOFFS=400 16000 Enter the lower and upper new vaules: (defaults = 0.0 0.0) VALUES= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 Do you want to require that the 8 pixels surrounding each pixel have values within a selected range? (default = N) REQUIRE= F Be sure SAOimage has focus; position cursor at the lower left corner and press <CR>; then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR> Type 0 or Q to quit Lower left: Cursor in image 1; file name = TEST X, Y: on TV desktop = 159 538 X, Y: in frame = 118.500 591.500 X, Y: in map = 7.500 9.500 Upper right: Cursor in image 1; file name = TEST X, Y: on TV desktop = 727 157 X, Y: in frame = 686.500 210.500 X, Y: in map = 575.500 390.500 Do you wish to proceed? (default = Y) PROCEED= T Do you want to report the progress on the TV display? (default = Y) REPORT= T 202 pixels revalued in map number 2 Be sure SAOimage has focus; position cursor at the lower left corner and press <CR>; then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR> Type 0 or Q to quit ....The 0 should be typed on the SAOimage screen Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 19:55:08.53 OPTION= ______________________________________________________________________________