______________________________________________________________________________ CU CUTOUT is a module which takes part or all of a map and relocates it into a map which is smaller, the same size, or larger. Pixel values in the space outside the area being relocated are set equal to zero if the output map is a new one, but are not changed if the output map already exists. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 21-JAN-1987 11:23:28.47 OPTION=CU CUTOUT, Version 1 Open the file to be cut out Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=D044105 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 100 rows of 100 pixels in R4 format Open the output file (can be any size or can be the input file) Enter the name of the file: FILE=NEW Creating new file Enter the number of columns and the number of rows: MAP_SIZE=300 300 Enter the input map numbers: (default = all) MAPS_IN= 1 ....A default was taken here Enter the output map numbers: (default = input map numbers) MAPS_OUT= 1 Enter the start-column end-column start-row end-row of area to be cut out: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 ....Again a default was taken 100 1 100 Enter the column and row of a reference point in source file: (default = center of area to be cut out) LOCATION_IN= 51 51 Enter the column and row of this reference point in the destination file: (default = new map center) LOCATION_OUT=290 101 ....The area outside the area of file D044105 is filled with zeros because file NEW is a new file. An existing file would not have those values changed. Enter the scale factor for the pixel values: (default = 1.0) SCALE= 1.00000 Enter an option: 21-JAN-1987 11:24:39.11 OPTION= ______________________________________________________________________________