_______________________________________________________________________________ DI Divide is a module that divides one map by another as in flat fielding, but with looping through a set of input and output maps. The map number of the divisor file is fixed. To divide each map in one file by a different map in another, see the DO example at the end of this documentation. _______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 11-SEP-2000 18:03:42.21 OPTION=DI DIVIDE, Version 5 Open the input file Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_IN=DTEST There are 11 maps in the file Reading from the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format Open the output file: Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_OUT=D2TEST Writing to an existing file There are 11 maps in the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format Open the denominator file: Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_DIVISOR=DDTEST There are 11 maps in the file Reading from the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format Enter the input map numbers: (default = all) MAPS_IN=1 Enter the ouput map numbers: (default = the input map numbers) MAPS_OUT=1 Enter the map number of the divisor file: (default = 1) MAP_DIVISOR= 1 Enter the bias to subtract from the input maps: (defaults = 0) BIAS= 0.000000E+00 Enter the factor to scale the result: (default = 1.0) SCALE= 1.00000 Enter an option: 11-SEP-2000 18:03:42.21 OPTION= _______________________________________________________________________________ Now we use DO to do the operation in another way OPTION=DO($=2:11).DI(MAPS_IN=$,MAPS_OUT=$,MAP_DIVISOR=$) OPTION DO $=2:11 &= DO LOOP: $= 2.00 &= 2.00 OPTION .DI DIVIDE, Version 5 Open the input file FILE_IN=DTEST There are 11 maps in the file Reading from the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format Open the output file: FILE_OUT=D2TEST Writing to an existing file There are 11 maps in the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format Open the denominator file: FILE_DIVISOR=DDTEST There are 11 maps in the file Reading from the file 69 rows of 2040 pixels in R4 format MAPS_IN=$ MAPS_OUT=$ MAP_DIVISOR=$ BIAS=0.0 SCALE=1.0 OPTION DO ______________________ etc., etc. for 9 more maps _______________________________________________________________________________