

      EDITDATA1 is a module which edits data in a character file of type 1,
 the type produced by options EA and PR.  One can perform one of several 
 different mathematical operations on one or more columns simultaneously.


 Enter an option:                              22-OCT-1991 14:44:09.01
 EDITDATA1, Version 1
 Enter a command:
      A =  Adds a number to the data (default)
      M =  Multiplies the data by a number
      C =  Converts ADU to magnitudes
      D =  Converts magnitudes to ADU
      L =  Takes the logarithm
      G =  Adds a gradient to the data
      I =  Reintegrates the surface brightness
      R =  Multiplies by a gradient, keeping the average value the same
      B =  Smooths the data by binning
      B1 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius
      B2 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius squared
      B4 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius
           to the fourth power
      S =  Subtracts two data files (first - second)
      T =  Adds two data files
      V =  Combines data from two files by averaging over their common region
           after incrementing one of them to match the other
      W =  Writes the positions, etc. to a file of type 2
 COMMAND=T		    ....Here we will simply add together some of the
				parameters of two different files.  These
				are stars which will be combined into a 
				point spread function.
 Open the first data file
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 Enter the ID of the first file's object:  (default = last entry)
 Open the second data file
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 FILE_22=COPY		    ....We can't open the same file again, so a
				copy was made previously
 Enter the ID of the second file's object:  (default = last entry)
 Add the results to an existing file?  (default = N)
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 Enter one or more choices:
      C = Edits the column
      R = Edits the row
      I = Edits the inclination (default)
      E = Edits the eccentricity
      D = Edits the radius
      S = Edits the surface brightness
      L = Edits the log(integrated surface  brightness)

 Enter an option:                              22-OCT-1991 14:45:21.66
 EDITDATA1, Version 1
 Enter a command:
      A =  Adds a number to the data (default)
      M =  Multiplies the data by a number
      C =  Converts ADU to magnitudes
      D =  Converts magnitudes to ADU
      L =  Takes the logarithm
      G =  Adds a gradient to the data
      I =  Reintegrates the surface brightness
      R =  Multiplies by a gradient, keeping the average value the same
      B =  Smooths the data by binning
      B1 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius
      B2 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius squared
      B4 = Bins with the bin size equal to a constant times the radius
           to the fourth power
      S =  Subtracts two data files (first - second)
      T =  Adds two data files
      V =  Combines data from two files by averaging over their common region
           after incrementing one of them to match the other
      W =  Writes the positions, etc. to a file of type 2
 COMMAND=M			    ....We are going to divide the values
					previously added, by 2 in order
					to average.
 Open the data file to be edited
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 Enter the ID of the object:  (default = last entry)
 ID=H				    ....The ID of the first file is retained
 Add the results to an existing file?  (default = N)
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 Enter one or more choices:
      C = Edits the column
      R = Edits the row
      I = Edits the inclination (default)
      E = Edits the eccentricity
      D = Edits the radius
      S = Edits the surface brightness
      L = Edits the log(integrated surface  brightness)
 Enter the numbers to be multiplied:  (defaults = 1.0)
 NUMBERS=.5 .5 .5		    ....Notice that the numbers must be
					entered individually for each column.
					In general this gives more flexibility.

 Enter an option:                              22-OCT-1991 14:47:04.95