______________________________________________________________________________ FG Module FAKGAL allows on to create artificial iamges of galaxies described by a number of different surface brightness laws, or by data in a file of type 1. The information can be written to a character file (of type 1) or a SAD file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter an option: 29-JUL-1985 15:56:01.43 OPTION=FG FAKGAL, Version 1 Enter a command: Enter a command: B = Parameters contained in file prepared by option BB P = Parameters contained in a file prepared by options EA or PR (default) PA = Like P, but with additional absorbing galaxy PB = Like PA, but only the absorption is written M = Parameters input manually MA = Like M, but with additional absorbing galaxy MB = Like MB, but only the absorption is written COMMAND=M Do you want a data file (enter D) or a SAD file (enter S, default)? FILE= S ....A default was taken Enter the name of the file to be written to: FILE=TEST Creating new file Enter the number of columns and the number of rows: MAP_SIZE=100 100 Enter the surface brightness law: H = Hubble (default) M = Modified Hubble P = Hubble with power series for "1/a" T = Tapered Hubble V = de Vaucouleurs CHOICE=M Enter the central surface brightness (ADU) and the Hubble "a" (pixels): PARAMETERS=1000 10 Enter a choice: N = No gradient applied (default) L = Multiplies by a gradient linear in magnitude and log(radius) R = Multiplies by a gradient linear in magnitude and radius GRADIENT= N ....We could apply an intensity gradient Enter column and row: (default = last position, fractional values allowed) POSITION=50 50 Enter the ellipse inclination angle: (default = 0.0 degrees) INCLINATION= 0.000000E+00 Enter the eccentricity of the ellipse: (default = 0.0) ECCENTRICITY= 0.000000E+00 Do you wish to convolve the distribution? (default = N) CONVOLVE= F ....We could, if we wished, convolve by the seeing disk. Enter the scale factor: (default = 1.0) SCALE= 1.00000 More galaxies to model? (default = Y) MORE= T Enter the surface brightness law: H = Hubble (default) M = Modified Hubble P = Hubble with power series for "1/a" T = Tapered Hubble V = de Vaucouleurs CHOICE= H ....Here we choose the Reynold-Hubble formula Enter the central surface brightness (ADU) and the Hubble "a" (pixels): PARAMETERS=500 5 Enter a choice: N = No gradient applied (default) L = Multiplies by a gradient linear in magnitude and log(radius) R = Multiplies by a gradient linear in magnitude and radius GRADIENT= N Enter column and row: (default = last position, fractional values allowed) POSITION=40 50 Enter the ellipse inclination angle: (default = 0.0 degrees) INCLINATION=45 Enter the eccentricity of the ellipse: (default = 0.0) ECCENTRICITY=.5 Do you wish to convolve the distribution? (default = N) CONVOLVE= F More galaxies to model? (default = Y) MORE=N ....Here is another example of the usage of option FG. Here, we use a data file of type 1 to supply the intensity values. This particular operation is necessary when modeling overlapping galaxy images. After an interfering galaxy is modeled, it is subtracted from the frame so as to better model the remaining images. Enter an option: 22-OCT-1991 13:28:45.70 OPTION=FG FAKGAL, Version 1 Enter a command: B = Parameters contained in file prepared by option BB P = Parameters contained in a file prepared by options EA or PR (default) PA = Like P, but with additional absorbing galaxy PB = Like PA, but only the absorption is written M = Parameters input manually MA = Like M, but with additional absorbing galaxy MB = Like MB, but only the absorption is written COMMAND= P Enter the name of the file to be written to: FILE=GAL1 Writing to an existing file There is one map in the file Enter the map number: (default = one after the last map) MAP=1 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the input data file Enter the file name: (default = last entry) FILE_21=R022152 Enter the ID of the object: (default = last entry) ID=129 Enter the sky to be subtracted from the data in the file: (default = minimum) SKY=491.052 ....The model in the data file included the sky Enter the scale factor: (default = 1.0) SCALE=-1 ....We are subtracting from the frame here. At the stage where all interfering galaxies have been modeled and subtracted, one would add the data file to the frame in order to perform the final modeling with option PR. More galaxies to model? (default = Y) MORE=N Enter an option: 22-OCT-1991 13:30:03.45 OPTION=EX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------