

      FLATSPEC is a module which flattens the continuum of a spectrum
 by fitting polynomials to continuum segments between mean X, Y points
 in spectral rows, and then dividing the original spectrum by the 
 interpolated values.  The bands whose averages are used to form the
 polynomials can be input manually or with a graphics device.


 Enter an option:                              9-SEP-2004 13:40:13.97
 FLATSPEC, Version 5
 Open the file to have spectra flattened
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 There are   2 maps in the file
 Reading from the file
    2 rows of  500 pixels in R4 format
 Open the output file
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 Writing to an existing file
 There is one map in the file
    1 rows of  500 pixels in R4 format
 Enter the input map numbers:  (default = all)
 Enter the output map number:  (default = 1 after last map)
 Enter the input row numbers:  (default = all)
 Enter the output row numbers:  (default = all)
 Enter the method to use for estimating the continuum values:
           PF = Polynomial fit
           PI = Polynomial interpolation (default)
 Enter the degree of the polynomial for continuum interpolation:  (default = 3)
                 ....If a polynomial fit had been selected, the user would
                     have been prompted for the degree of the polynomial with
                     a default of 6.
 Enter the value to set the continuum to:  (default = average of input rows
 between lowest and highest columns)
  0.000000E+00   ....The default was taken
 Enter the input method:
          G = Graphics Device (default)
          M = Manual Input


 After the plot is drawn, press C to turn on the cursor.  Then position the
 cursor at the left end of the first band (low wavelength end) of continuum
 wavelengths to be fit and press the <CR>.  Then position the cursor at the
 right end of the first band and press the <CR>.  Repeat these steps for each
 additional continuum band to be used in the fit.  Mistakes can be voided by
 pressing the - key.  Press Q to turn off the cursor and <CR> to proceed.

 Press the <CR> when through reading these instructions
 Enter the plot devices:
      S   = SAOimage
     -S   = SAOimage, no erasure of screen
      G   = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550)
      G4  = Graphics terminal emulator (Versaterm-Pro)
      X   = Xterm (default)
      XG  = Xgterm
      F   = File

 Coordinates requested
 X=   5041.129    Y=   993.6365
 X=   5056.525    Y=   996.5692
 X=   5085.851    Y=   998.0355
 X=   5102.712    Y=   996.5692
 X=   5134.238    Y=   993.6365
 X=   5157.698    Y=   992.1702
 X=   5187.023    Y=   993.6365
 X=   5212.684    Y=   993.6365
 X=   5360.777    Y=   990.7040
 X=   5383.504    Y=   987.7714
 X=   5405.499    Y=   987.7714
 X=   5426.760    Y=   987.7714
 X=   5459.018    Y=   981.9064
 X=   5473.681    Y=   986.3051
 X=   5500.073    Y=   981.9064
 X=   5510.337    Y=   981.9064
 Coordinates request canceled
   8 bands were chosen to be fit between the limits of
  5041.50     and  5510.50    .
 Map =    1  Bintype = WAVELENGT

 Enter an option:                               9-SEP-2004 13:41:15.47

                 ....On the other Hand, if manual input was selected we have:

 Enter the starting and ending columns for the region over which the
 continuum mean is to be calculated:  (default = all)
 Bin type is PIXEL
 Start, end, and incremental values are:    5000.0      5499.0      1.0000

 Enter the input method:
          B = Band values in bin type (default)
          C = Band values in columns

 Enter the starting and ending values of the desired continuum bands.
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=110 120
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=200 210
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=300 310
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=400 410
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=440 450
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 BAND=490 500
 Enter only two values for each band;  enter <CR> to proceed:
 Map =   2  Bintype = PIXEL

 Enter an option:                               9-SEP-2004 13:41:15.47