______________________________________________________________________________ GA GAUSTA is a module which computes the mean, mean error, mean error of the mean error, and mean square from a rectangular area of a map. The coordinates are input manually or by the TV cursor-box. A plot of the true distribution or of the residuals along with a computed gaussian having the same sigma and the same scaling in the Y direction can be made on a graphics terminal. A printed output is available in the log file. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 22:58:21.71 OPTION=GA GAUSTA, Version 7 Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=E022152 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Enter a command: AS = Boundaries from cursor box; SAOimage already loaded S = Boundaries from cursor box; need to load SAOimage M = Manual input of boundaries (default) COMMAND= M Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES=5 30 5 30 Do you wish to exclude edited areas (zero value): (default = N) EXCLUDE= F GAUSSIAN STATISTICS FOR THE REGION Start-column = 5 End-column = 3 The mean is 502.4955 The mean error per pixel is 27.0124 The mean error of the mean is 1.03894 The mean error of the mean error per pixel is 0.735183 The mean square is 253230. The number of points is 676 Do you want to calculate the most probable value: (default = N) MOST_PROBABLE=Y The most probable value is 494.450 The sigma is 7.97795 ...distribution in log file not shown Do you wish to have the residuals plotted? (default = N) PLOT= F Do you wish to have the true distribution plotted? (default = N) PLOT= F More analysis? (default = N) MORE= F Enter an option: 22-SEP-2002 22:59:35.06 OPTION= ______________________________________________________________________________