_____________________________________________________________________ MH HEDCH Purpose: To change some of the more common header key values without typing in keywords. Author: A.Bosma - documentation s.simkin ______________________________________________________________________ Keywords: FILI= Filename of file for header change SUB= Subscript of header item (see below) type 0 to get out of loop VAR= New value for header item <CR> leaves the value unchanged. The program displays the content of the desired header item and allows you to change it if necessary. The following header items may be changed using this routine: SUB VARIABLE FITS KEYWORD 1,2,3 Not used 4 Heliocentric velocity CRVAL3 5 R.A. of mapcentre in degrees CRVAL1 6 Dec. of mapcentre in degrees CRVAL2 7 R.A. of mapcentre in gridunits CRPIX1 8 Dec. of mapcentre in gridunits CRPIX2 9 Left most gridpoint 10 Right most gridpoint 11 Bottom most gridpoint 12 Top most gridpoint 13 Not used 14 Scale in X in degrees/gridpoint CDELT1 15 Scale in Y in degrees/gridpoint CDELT2 ___________________________________________________________________ TYPE OPTIE 2-NOV-1981 20:28:06.84 >>>MH OPTION MH HEDCH, VERSION 1 TYPE FILENAME (<CR> FOR DEFAULT) FILE11=FAKE ! File name There is one map in the file Reading from the file 128 rows of 128 pixels in R4 format TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=4 ! keyvalue 4 examined CRVAL3 - HELIOCENTRIC VELOCITY TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 0.000000E+00 ! Default -> no change TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=5 CRVAL1 - R A TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 18.5000 TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=6 CRVAL2 - DEC TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 22.5000 TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=7 CRPIX1 - RA MAP X GRID POINT TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 64.0000 TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=8 CRPIX2 - DEC MAP Y GRID POINT TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 64.0000 TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=9 LEFT MOST GRID POINT TYPE IN NEW VALUE VAR= $ 1 TYPE IN SUBSCRIPT SUB=0 _____________________________________________________________________