______________________________________________________________________________ MM MNMX is a module which finds the minimum and maximum pixel values and their location, in a rectangular area of a SAD file. The area can be input manually or done with the TV cursor. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 11-MAY-1991 12:22:44.27 OPTION=MM MNMX, Version 2 Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE= BIN There is one map in the file Reading from the file 110 rows of 110 pixels in R4 format Enter a command: AS = Position from cursor; SAOimage already loaded S = Position from cursor; need to load SAOimage AG = Boundaries from cursor box; Grinnell already loaded G = Boundaries from cursor box; need to load Grinnell M = Manual input of boundaries (default) COMMAND=M Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 110 1 110 Do you wish to exclude edited areas (zero values): (default = N) EXCLUDE= F Maximum = 6.76846 AT X = 50 Y = 41 Minimum =0.000000E+00AT X = 1 Y = 1 More analysis? (default = N) MORE=N