______________________________________________________________________ PD PDCAL is a module which constructs the H&D curve for a photographic plate scanned with the PDS. NOTE-- AT PRESENT THE ROUTINE ASSUMES THAT THE MAX PDS OUTPUT VALUE IS 4096 AND THE output is in integers. The curve may be fit using splines, 1-7 order curves, or (when the routine is found) a deVauc fit. The calibration array ( *.CAL ) is a set of 4096 values where J (a PDS integer number) --> val(J) (the logInt or Int value from the H and D curve). The type of file used to read in the spot relative intensities (instead of typing them in) is at the end of this description. _______________________________________________________________________ TYPE OPTIE 28-JUN-1981 22:42:14.78 >>>PD OPTION PD IS THE INPUT IN REL INTEN vs.TRANS ? (NO = DEN,LOG I) TRANS=N ------------- Can fit inten vs. trans this works better for lite plates. ARE SPOT AVERAGES ON DISK ? (IN REDSPOT FORM) DISK=N ------------- You can save the averaged ------------- spots on disk for another ------------- go round later. GIVE A NAME TO THE OUTPUT SPOT ARRAY (20CH) --- (save the avgs) NAME=BAVG OPEN INPUT (PDS SPOTS) FILE TYPE FILENAME (<CR> FOR DEFAULT) FILI=BSPOT ----------- Assumes it is *.SAD There are 8 maps in the file Reading from the file 40 rows of 40 pixels in R4 format TYPE NUMB SPOTS TO BE CALIBRATED (DEF = 12) NSPT=8 TYPE SPOT MAP NO. IN ORDER OF INCR. INTEN MAPS=1:8 ------------------- Can put in 2,1,5,4,8 etc ------------------- if they were measured ------------------- that way TYPE CLEAR MAP NOS IN SAME ORDER AS ABOVE (0=DEF) MAPC=0 ------------------ Either put in a "clear" ------------------ map for each spot, ONE ------------------ clear map for the whole ------------------ batch, or NONE. TYPE NUMB OF FIRST SPOT (DEF=1) ISPST=1 __________________ This is to match up ------------------ the avg PDS values ------------------ with the log Int ------------------ values. ----------------- eg. If the first spot ----------------- MEASURED corresponds ----------------- to spot 2 in your inten ----------------- list - type "2". TYPE IN THE DISK NAME WITH REL INTEN VALUES (DEF=TYPE IN DIRECT FILI=SPOTVAL ------------------ See format of ----------------- SPOTVAL.DAT below. ----------------- Values can be typed ----------------- in directly also - ----------------- Just hit RETURN here. DO YOU WANT TO SORT BY DENSITY ? ------ At this point, spotavg(i) has been ------ matched with spotint(i) but the order ------ is the one given on the list of rel. int ------ if this is NOT monatonically increasing ------ in density - sort it. When sorted the ------ PAIRING is preserved. SORT=Y DENSITY LOG INTEN STDEV 0.000 1.000 0.000 --------This is a "dummy" spot for -------- relitave intensity (1) 1223.692 1.151 149.373 1223.692 1.301 149.373 1485.191 1.452 194.786 1885.284 1.602 112.466 2168.573 1.753 291.957 3026.934 2.054 194.805 3203.948 1.903 211.258 3283.948 2.330 211.270 WRITE SPOT AVERAGES TO DISK (UNIT 22) ------------ Named BAVG input above. _______ At this point the program rescales the ------- relative intensities to a range that ------- is easy to plot ( ITS all relative!) ------- The PDS averages are converted to ------- "densities" ( div by 800). ---------- NOTE THE "DUMMY" SPOT IS GONE ------------ LOOK AT THE VALUES ? LOOK=Y SPOT NO REL INTENSITY PDS VALUE SIGMA CLEAR 1 1.32100 1.52962 0.186717 0.000000E+00 2 1.47100 1.52962 0.186717 0.000000E+00 3 1.62200 1.85649 0.243483 0.000000E+00 4 1.77200 2.35661 0.140582 0.000000E+00 5 1.92300 2.71072 0.364946 0.000000E+00 6 2.22400 3.78367 0.243506 0.000000E+00 7 2.07300 4.00493 0.264073 0.000000E+00 8 2.50000 4.10493 0.264087 0.000000E+00 TYPE PLOT DEVICE : 0=NONE 1=TEKT 2=FILE 3=RAMTEK NDEV=0 --------- Plotting is slow ! SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=D TYPE NUMBERS OF POINTS TO BE DELETED DEL=1,7 -------- Points 1 and 7 were not nice. SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=F SELECT TYPE OF FIT 0 spline 1 - 7 1st - 7th order FIT=3 ----------- Fit a cubic COEFFS -0.76431 2.5144 -0.85522 0.10609 SIGMA 2.80141E-02 SPOT NO. PDS VAL INT VAL CAL VAL DIF 1 1.53 1.47 1.46 -0.01 2 1.86 1.62 1.63 0.01 3 2.36 1.77 1.80 0.03 4 2.71 1.92 1.88 -0.04 5 3.78 2.22 2.25 0.03 6 4.10 2.50 2.48 -0.02 SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=Z ---------- To produce a nice curve you can ---------- extrapolate at both the low den ---------- or hi den end. ADD A ZERO (0,0) POINT? (INTEN vs. TRANS ONLY) ZERO=N DO YOU WANT TO EXTRAPOLATE AT THE LOW DENSITY END ? LOW=Y SELECT KIND OF EXTRAPOLATION 1 linear 2 quadratic DEN=1 HOW MANY POINTS TO FIT THE EXTRAPOLATION ? NPTS=3 GIVE THESE SPOT NUMBERS IN INCREASING ORDER SPOTS=1,2,3 ----------- Use these points to extrap. TYPE LOWEST DENSITY DESIRED (be reasonable!) MIN=1.0 -------- There is now an extrapolated point at 1.0 SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=L LOOK AT THE VALUES ? LOOK=Y SPOT NO REL INTENSITY PDS VALUE SIGMA CLEAR 1 1.07290 1.00000 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 ^^-------- the extrapolated point 2 1.47100 1.52962 0.186717 0.000000E+00 3 1.62200 1.85649 0.243483 0.000000E+00 4 1.77200 2.35661 0.140582 0.000000E+00 5 1.92300 2.71072 0.364947 0.000000E+00 6 2.22400 3.78367 0.243506 0.000000E+00 7 2.50000 4.10494 0.264087 0.000000E+00 AVCLEAR = 0.0000E+00 TYPE PLOT DEVICE : 0=NONE 1=TEKT 2=FILE 3=RAMTEK NDEV=0 SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=F SELECT TYPE OF FIT 0 spline 1 - 7 1st - 7th order FIT=3 COEFFS -0.43253 2.1211 -0.70862 8.88377E-02 SIGMA 2.64916E-02 SPOT NO. PDS VAL INT VAL CAL VAL DIF 1 1.00 1.07 1.07 0.00 2 1.53 1.47 1.47 0.00 3 1.86 1.62 1.63 0.01 4 2.36 1.77 1.79 0.02 5 2.71 1.92 1.88 -0.04 6 3.78 2.22 2.26 0.04 7 4.10 2.50 2.48 -0.02 SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=D TYPE NUMBERS OF POINTS TO BE DELETED DEL=6 COEFFS -0.23796 1.8142 -0.56911 7.05744E-02 SIGMA 1.65797E-02 SPOT NO. PDS VAL INT VAL CAL VAL DIF 1 1.00 1.07 1.08 0.00 2 1.53 1.47 1.46 -0.01 3 1.86 1.62 1.62 0.00 4 2.36 1.77 1.80 0.03 5 2.71 1.92 1.90 -0.02 6 4.10 2.50 2.50 0.00 SELECT OPTION D delete points F fit curve Z extrapolate lower end of curve T extrapolate top end of curve P plot the calibration S save the calibration curve L look at the points and fit V fit deVaucouleurs curve E exit OPT=S WARNING The calibration array may be unreliable above max PDS value IS THIS OK ? ------- This comes up because the DEN do ------- not extend to 5.12 ------- Extrapolate at the high den end ------- for a better fit. OK=Y SAVE THE CALIBRATION CURVE ? SAVE=Y TYPE NAME OF OUTPUT CALIBRATION FILE (name is ...CAL) FILC=SPOT DO YOU WANT A HARD COPY PLOT ? HARD=N --------------------------------------------------------------- ***** DATA FILE FOR RELATIVE INTENSITIES ****** 8 --------- First line = number of int values in file --------- Second line = blank 1 1.0 --------- Remaining lines = spot no. rel int value 1 1.0 --------- (Either log or intensity units) 2 1.151 3 1.301 4 1.452 5 1.602 6 1.753 7 1.903 8 2.054