______________________________________________________________________________ PL LINEPL is a module which plots pixel value along a row, column, or a path at any specified angle in a SAD file. TV as well as manual input is possible. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 27-MAY-1989 23:49:32.83 OPTION=PL LINEPL, Version 2 Enter a command: R = Plots one or more rows (default) C = Plots one or more columns A = Plots at any angle AT = Plots at any angle with Trapix cursor; Trapix already loaded T = Plots at any angle with Trapix cursor; need to load Trapix COMMAND= R Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=CT002033 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 400 rows of 576 pixels in R4 format Enter the row numbers: ROWS=300 350 ....Two rows will be plotted Enter the start-column and the end-column: (default = entire range) COLUMNS= 1 576 ....A default was taken here Enter a choice: G = Graphics package (default) P = Large size Printronix plot CHOICE= G Do you want to plot only the average of all the columns? (default = F) PLOT_AVERAGE=F Enter the plot devices: G = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550, default) G1 = Graphics terminal (GraphOn) G2 = Graphics terminal (Codonics) G3 = Graphics terminal (Micro-term) F = File I = Imagen T = Tektronix 4662 flat bed plotter (1200 baud) GR = Grinnell -GR = Grinnell, no erasure of screen A0 = Apple Laserwriter in 753 LPS = LPS40 in 4059 TR = Trapix -TR = Trapix, no erasure of screen DEVICES= G More plotting with this file and command? (default = N) MORE=N ______________________________________________________________________________