

     SPECKLCENT is a module that computes the centroid and full-width 
 half-maximum (FWHM) in the X and Y directions of each subframe of a 
 Univ. of Mich. speckle file.  Such files are 320 X 512 pixels with 
 64 X 64 subframes, or 64 X 64 pixels with several maps in the file. 

 Open SAD file
 Enter filename (<CR> for default)
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
  512 rows of  320 pixels in R4 format
	....If a file is 64 x 64 the centroid of each  map will be found
 Enter the map number:  (default = 1)
 Enter the maximum FWHM:
 Centroid =     35.196      28.243  number of points =       665
 FWHM in a =    2.606  FWHM in b =    2.148 
 Inclination = 0.000  Eccentricity = 0.000
 Add them to an existing file?  (default = N)
 Enter the filename: (default = SAD file)
 centroid     35.321 ,     27.650 no. pts used        930
 fwhm in x      3.742 , fwhm in y      3.456 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.109 ,     26.980 no. pts used        959
 fwhm in x      2.677 , fwhm in y      3.102 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.321 ,     28.199 no. pts used        900
 fwhm in x      3.466 , fwhm in y      3.313 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.445 ,     28.290 no. pts used        876
 fwhm in x      2.977 , fwhm in y      2.952 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.737 ,     27.612 no. pts used        866
 fwhm in x      3.099 , fwhm in y      2.795 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.390 ,     26.989 no. pts used        853
 fwhm in x      4.330 , fwhm in y      4.591 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     34.137 ,     27.550 no. pts used        855
 fwhm in x      2.763 , fwhm in y      3.059 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.132 ,     27.588 no. pts used        854
 fwhm in x      3.306 , fwhm in y      3.495 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.215 ,     27.797 no. pts used        834
 fwhm in x      2.846 , fwhm in y      2.859 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.270 ,     27.493 no. pts used        847
 fwhm in x      3.012 , fwhm in y      3.238 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.404 ,     26.797 no. pts used        820
 fwhm in x      3.191 , fwhm in y      3.790 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.833 ,     26.827 no. pts used        852
 fwhm in x      2.646 , fwhm in y      3.292 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     37.223 ,     26.473 no. pts used        822
 fwhm in x      3.340 , fwhm in y      3.231 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     37.339 ,     26.092 no. pts used        822
 fwhm in x      2.568 , fwhm in y      2.603 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.308 ,     26.887 no. pts used        852
 fwhm in x      2.262 , fwhm in y      2.833 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.750 ,     26.940 no. pts used        790
 fwhm in x      3.264 , fwhm in y      2.927 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.369 ,     26.438 no. pts used        813
 fwhm in x      2.542 , fwhm in y      2.841 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.005 ,     27.380 no. pts used        788
 fwhm in x      3.131 , fwhm in y      2.944 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.052 ,     26.225 no. pts used        840
 fwhm in x      3.700 , fwhm in y      2.473 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     34.490 ,     26.165 no. pts used        824
 fwhm in x      2.621 , fwhm in y      2.800 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.273 ,     25.991 no. pts used        865
 fwhm in x      2.909 , fwhm in y      3.131 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.383 ,     26.605 no. pts used        863
 fwhm in x      2.496 , fwhm in y      2.623 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     36.268 ,     26.115 no. pts used        846
 fwhm in x      2.624 , fwhm in y      2.928 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.717 ,     25.363 no. pts used        839
 fwhm in x      3.453 , fwhm in y      3.437 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.458 ,     26.448 no. pts used        848
 fwhm in x      2.922 , fwhm in y      3.194 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     34.636 ,     25.593 no. pts used        832
 fwhm in x      3.226 , fwhm in y      2.863 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     33.703 ,     25.048 no. pts used        838
 fwhm in x      2.766 , fwhm in y      2.757 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     33.740 ,     25.291 no. pts used        847
 fwhm in x      2.769 , fwhm in y      3.066 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     34.810 ,     25.585 no. pts used        843
 fwhm in x      2.934 , fwhm in y      2.920 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.411 ,     25.714 no. pts used        856
 fwhm in x      2.688 , fwhm in y      2.330 , position angle      0.000
 centroid     35.370 ,     26.000 no. pts used        841
 fwhm in x      2.417 , fwhm in y      3.198 , position angle      0.000

	The output file for this example is this:

    1    35.196    28.243     2.606     2.148     0.000    1    1    1    1
    5    36.445    28.290     2.977     2.952     0.000    1    1    1    1
   10    35.215    27.797     2.846     2.859     0.000    1    1    1    1
   15    37.339    26.092     2.568     2.603     0.000    1    1    1    1
   16    36.308    26.887     2.262     2.833     0.000    1    1    1    1
   18    35.369    26.438     2.542     2.841     0.000    1    1    1    1
   21    34.490    26.165     2.621     2.800     0.000    1    1    1    1
   23    36.383    26.605     2.496     2.623     0.000    1    1    1    1
   24    36.268    26.115     2.624     2.928     0.000    1    1    1    1
   28    33.703    25.048     2.766     2.757     0.000    1    1    1    1
   30    34.810    25.585     2.934     2.920     0.000    1    1    1    1
   31    35.411    25.714     2.688     2.330     0.000    1    1    1    1
    0     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000    2    1    1    1