______________________________________________________________________________ SA SADMASK is a module which operates via a mask file on a given map to set pixel values to either their original value or to zero. The output can be written to the original map or to a new one. At every point in the mask file where a zero value exists, a zero will be written to the output file. At every point in the mask file where a nonzero value exists, the original value in the given file will be written to the output file. This is useful when repeated operations in galaxy photometry need to be done. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 13-NOV-1991 12:15:35.03 OPTION=SA SADMASK, Version 1 Open the SAD file to be operated on Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) READ_FILE=E022152 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the SAD file to be used as a mask Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) MASK_FILE=MASK There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the output file Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) WRITE_FILE=E022152_A ....The output file is automatically made the same size. Creating new file ....The operation is now taking place ______________________________________________________________________________