______________________________________________________________________________ TV TV is a module which operates the Grinnell, SAOiamge, and Trapix image display for the purpose of loading images, plate scales, and test patterns. ______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 2-APR-1995 16:42:45.93 OPTION=TV TV, Version 3 Is this a new initialization for SAOimage? (default = N) NEW=Y Select a frame buffer size: 1 = 512 X 512 (default) 2 = 800 X 800 3 = 1024 X 1024 4 = 1600 X 1600 5 = 2048 X 2048 6 = 4096 X 4096 7 = 4096 X 1024 8 = 1024 X 4096 9 = 1144 X 880 10 = 1144 X 764 11 = 128 X 128 12 = 256 X 256 13 = 90 X 90 FRAME_BUFFER= 1 Enter a command: (default = I; help = H) COMMAND=H Enter one of the following: A = Adds an image to the SAOimage frame buffer D = Quits the TV option and deassigns SAOimage E = Erases all SAOimage frames H = Helps the user by displaying a list of commands I = Loads an image from a SAD file O = Turns off the SAOimage overlay cursors R = Turns off the SAOimage region overlay cursors Q = Quits the TV option; SAOimage not deassigned Enter a command: (default = I; help = H) COMMAND= I Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=E022152 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 320 1 512 The upper left corner of the frame buffer is (0, 0) Enter the starting location of the lower left corner of the map boundary in the frame buffer:) (default = map centered in frame buffer) LOWER_LEFT= 96 511 Enter the minimum and maximum intensities: (defaults = 0 1000) MINIMUM_MAXIMUM=400 2000 Enter a command: (default = I) COMMAND=Q ______________________________________________________________________________