CHAPTER 3 RUNNING MIPPS One should first Enter the command MIIPS. The program will come back with: Welcome to MIIPS, Version 2.2 Enter an option: 14:48:38 OPTION= At this point any of the two- or three- letter options can be entered. There are several ways of entering the options: 1. OPTION The program will then prompt the user for all the questions which are not automatically defaulted. 2. .OPTION The program automatically executes with the last sequence of saved input data. Saving is done automatically if the input was transferred via USRINP. 3. .OPTION(KEY=) The program executes the last saved sequence, but will promt the user for the input associated with KEY. 4. .OPTION(KEY=value(s)) The program executes the last saved sequence, but will use the supplied value(s) associated with KEY. When asked for input it is possible to respond with <CR>, in which case the default is taken. If there is no default, the program will prompt again. Note that in the examples above one can mix the .operation with the normal one (no dot in front of the option), e.g., GA(FILE=TEMP1) causes statistical data to be calculated for TEMP1, but the other questions (BOUNDARIES=, PLOT=, etc.) will be prompted for. It is also possible to loop through an option several times with only one parameter changed: 5. DO .OPTION(KEY=$), e.g., .DA(SKY=$) The program prompts for $; entering the desired values associated with KEY will execute the do-loop. All other variables are obtained from the save-file. $ cannot be a character variable and must have dimension 1. 6. OPTION1 OPTION2 OPTION3 OPTION4 It is possible to enter more than one option (also with DO loop) Page 2 Throughout the control software commas are treated as spaces Page 3 7. .DO($=,&=) .OPT(MAP_IN=$,MAP_OUT=&) For advanced users it is possible now to do a double do-loop: the second variable is ususally hidden and not printed, but the question for it can be asked if necessary. This feature is useful for more complicated options or string of options where do-looping is required for semi-automatic execution. 8. BOX With option DEF one can create a "BOX", which is a file containing a command string one often uses. To execute the string enter the -symbol in front of the given BOX-name. If one enters an incorrect command at any point, it is possible to recover to the prompt for the option, by enteringC. Page 4 EXAMPLE: RUNNING A SIMPLE ROUTINE The following routine (CU) ilustrates the way the command language works. __________________________ - CU - __________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLE OF THE USE OF CUTOUT - TO PUT PARTS OF MAPS INTO OTHER MAPS OF THE SAME OR DIFFERENT SIZE IN THIS CASE PARTS OF A LARGER MAP ARE BEING PUT INTO A SMALLER ONE __________________________________________________________________ MIIPS.LOG 20-JAN-87 Enter an option: 20-JAN-1987 19:40:33.12 OPTION=CU CUTOUT, Version 1 Open the file to be cut out Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE=E022152 ....The user entered the name here There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the output file (can be any size or can be the input file) Enter the name of the file: FILE=ESMALL Creating new file Enter the number of columns and the number of rows: MAP_SIZE=100 100 Enter the input map numbers: (default = all) MAPS_IN= 1 ....A default was taken here Enter the output map numbers: (default = input map numbers) MAPS_OUT= 1 ....Again a default was taken Enter the start-column end-column start-row end-row of area to be cut out: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES=1 100 1 100 Enter the column and row of a reference point in source file: (default = center of area to be cut out) LOCATION_IN= 51 51 Enter the column and row of this reference point in the destination file: (default = new map center) LOCATION_OUT= 51 51 Enter the scale factor for the pixel values: (default = 1.0) SCALE= 1.00000 Page 5 __________________________________________________________________ FIRST MAP IN E022152 IS TRANSFERED __________________________________________________________________ ------- NOW USE THE 'DOT' OPERATION TO TRANSFER THE SECOND --- Enter an option: 20-JAN-1987 19:41:18.83 OPTION=.CU(MAPS_OUT=2,BOUNDARIES=101 200 101 200,LOCATION_IN=151 151) ....This tells the program to do the same operation as before but to write the results to the second map and take the area from a new location. Although the LOCATION_IN was defaulted the first time through, the DOT option will not default to the correct value but to the previousiouly entered value; hence it must be entered here. CUTOUT, Version 1 Open the file to be cut out ....Note that some of the prompts are not written with the DOT option FILE=E022152 There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the output file (can be any size or can be the input file) FILE=ESMALL Writing to an existing file There is one map in the file 100 rows of 100 pixels in R4 format MAPS_IN= 1 MAPS_OUT=2 Enter the start-column end-column start-row end-row of area to be cut out: BOUNDARIES=101 200 101 200 Enter the column and row of a reference point in source file: LOCATION_IN=151 151 Enter the column and row of this reference point in the destination file: LOCATION_OUT= 51 51 SCALE= 1.00000 File extended to map 2 ___________________________________________________________________ SECOND MAP SUCCESSFULLY TRANSFERED ___________________________________________________________________