In the help library (HELPLIB.HLB) the commands are listed by

general area of use.  These are listed when the user asks for help.

To see the command descriptions themselves one can enter either:

                HE SU

where SU represents the first two letters of one of the subdivisions listed

below.  This  will give a list of the options available within that subdivision

category, e.g.,  entering  HE AR will give a list of the ARithmetic commands.

                or    HE *

This returns ALL of the command descriptions.

     Entering HE DOC OP where OP represents the first two letters of the

selected option will give a detailed description of that option.  The

information can be printed or displayed on the monitor, e.g.,

enter HE DOC AT to see a detailed description of AT.


        AR      Arithmetic              (real, complex, and flatfields)

        CA      Calibration             (flux, photographic, wavelength)

        CO      Coordinates, Transforms (XY, RA and DEC)

                and Velocities

        DI      Display                 (line plots and images)

        ED      Edit                    (headers and data)

        FI      Filter                  (1D, 2D, real or complex)

        PH      Photometry              (stellar, surface, or spectral)

        TO      Topology                (rotate or move maps,lines, or bits)

        UT      Utilities               (statistics, curve fits, etc.)

2 ARithmetic

  Does arithmetic on maps

        AD      Adds and subtracts maps within a file and writes the

                results to the same file or a different file.

                Provides for scaling factors.

        AP      Adds UM power spectra speckle frames 

        AR      Does arithmetic on maps, e.g., A<1:5>=B<21:25>*K

                The allowed operators are +, -, *, /, **, LOG, LN, and SUM.

                The total number of characters in the expression must

                not exceed 80.

        AV      Averages pixel values within each column producing

                one average for each column for a specified set

                of rows for a map(s) and replaces (default) or

                creates a new map(s) or file of the same size.

        FS      Flattens a spectrum

        MT      Multiplies and divides fourier transforms which are in REAL*4

                maps, as produced by option P2

                                                                Page 2

        NO      Normalizes pixels by a row average, map average, or an average

                of all the maps

        NS      Normalizes rows to specified average value in channel region

        RS      Scales individual rows in maps - can accept file input

        S3      Flat fields all maps in a file (used for speckle images)

        WI      Averages pixel values within each column, producing

                an average for each subset of rows specified by the

                respective start and end rows for a map(s) and replaces

                (default) or creates a new map(s) or file of the same


2 CAlibration

  Does calibrations for photometry and spectroscopy

        AF      Converts wavelength scrunched maps to absolute flux

        BP      Finds an atmospheric calibration for broadband

                photometry with or without a color term and plots the


        CA      Calibrates PDS data according to curve from PD

        CO      Determines the centroided or least squares-fitted positions

                for a set of spectral comparison lines selected manually or

                automaticlly for a range of rows and writes the positions

                to a SAD file.  A polynomial fit to the positions is written

                to another SAD file for use with option RE.

        MC      Derives average magnitudes of stars over the passband of

                a system, derives effective wavelengths, computes an

                absolute calibration, computes the K-correction,

                and does plotting of data files.

        ND      Applies or removes effect of tabulated filters

        OK      Calibrates wavelength scrunched standards against Oke


        PD      Finds a calibration curve for photographic measures

2 COordinates_Transforms_Redshifts

  Derives coordinates, Fourier transforms, and redshifts

        AN      Computes the angular separation of two objects, given

                their coordinates

        AS      Does astrometric calculations in order to derive

                object coordinates

        BT      Does a backward transform when deriving redshifts

        CC      Corrects for coincidence in high count rates

        CN      Normalizes a CCF when deriving redshifts

        CQ      Finds a CCF peak (where derivative equals zero) when deriving


        CR      Cross correlates maps with their template when deriving


        CS      Cosbell masks maps and includes a template as the last row 

                when deriving redshifts

        CT      Finds object positions using centroid weighting

        FI      Finds objects in a map and writes their position to a data

                file of type 2

        FO      Finds the offset of one row from one file relative to a

                                                                Page 3

                second row from a second file by means of a least squares

                fit to the minimum in the variance, or to the maximum in

                the cross correlation

        FT      Does a forward transform when deriving redshifts

        GC      Computes new and old galactic coordinates from user input 

                RA and Dec, and vice versa

        P1      Converts a two-dimensional power spectrum to a one-dimensional

                SAD file.

        P2      Computes the power spectrum of a map and optionally

                calculates the fourier transform.  This is useful for speckle


        PE      Precesses coordinates input coordinates

        RD      Computes an average weighted cz of a single galaxy or an

                average cz and dispersion for a cluster of galaxies.

        RE      Rebins (scrunches) data from one of pixel, wavelength,

                log(wavelength), frequency, or log(frequency) to one of

                pixel, wavelength, log(wavelength), frequency, or

                log(frequency) according to coefficients produced by

                option CO, or input manually.

        RT      Computes the inverse fourier transform of a file in the

                format produced by P2

        SF      Fits various functions to a row of a SAD file.

        SM      Divides object transform by template transform to give

                the broadening transform when deriving velocity dispersions

        S1      Finds the centroid of all images in a UM speckle file

2 DIisplay

  Displays lineplots and 2-dimensional pictures

        AC      Does several kinds of contour and threshold plotting on 

                devices included in the plotting package

        CG      Displays surface brightnesses of two formulas or up to two

                data files prepared by options EA or PR.  Ratios, differences,

                and simultaneous plots with error bars are possible.

        DA      Displays data files of type 1 (from options EA and PR)

        DG      Displays radius parameter, surface brightness,

                magnitude, luminosity functions, colors, etc. for a data 

                file(s) of galaxies (type 3).

        DP      Creates a shaded plot of a map on an Apple LaserWriter, a

                Lasergrafix, a graphics teminal, a Printronix, or a Versatek.

        DT      Outputs pixel values from row(s) into a file which can

                then be sent to a lineprinter or the terminal.

        GR      Allows one to add annotation to the Grinnell display

        IP      Does simple image processing on a Grinnell, Trapix,

                Ramtek, or SAOimage after it has been loaded.

        PI      Produces a simple contour plot on a line printer

        PL      Plots one or more lines of pixel values from a map or

                maps on any supported plot device.  One can plot horizontally

                (a row), vertically (a column), or at any angle.  Cursor

                feedback is supported.

        PT      Prints data values on a terminal

        SU      Creates a surface brightness mesh plot of a map on any 

                supported plot device.

        T2      Overlays circles for objects in data file of type 2 on any

                                                                Page 4

                supported display device.

        TV      Does a gray scale display on a Grinnell, Trapix, Ramtek,

                or SAOimage

2 EDit

  Edits data or headers

        CF      Revalues all pixel values which are below a chosen lower

                limit and above a chosen upper limit and which are

                within a selected area of a map(s)

        E2      Edits data within a data file prepared by option CT (type 2)

        E3      Edits data within a data file of galaxy parameters (type 3)

        EC      Edits data within a circular area of a map

        ED      Edits data within a data file prepared by options EA and

                PR (type 1)

        EH      Edits SAD headers by using FITS keywords.

        EP      Edits data one point at a time

        ER      Edits data within a rectangular area

        MF      Takes the mean and/or median of 3 night sky flat field

                exposures mutually offset from each other and thereby

                removes offending objects

        MH      Edits Headers for direct (RA, DEC) maps without making

                use of FITS keywords.

        OF      Removes offending objects by two-dimensional linear


        PH      Displays the header information of a SAD file on a


        RV      Revalues pixel values within a specified range within a

                manually given area of a map(s) to a new value.

        TY      Allows entering of entire lines of data into a SAD file

2 FIlters

  Filters real and complex data in 1 and 2 dimensions

        FD      Does boxcar, gaussian, unsharp mask, and user input

                filtering of SAD files in the spatial domain.

        FF      Filters Fourier transforms in one and two dimensions.

        OP      Does an optimum filter from Brault and White on complex maps

2 PHotometry

  Does spectral, stellar, and surface photometry

        BB      Does aperture photometry on stars or small galaxy images

        BK      Fits a two-dimensional polynomial of any degree to a

                map.  TV cursor box input is possible.

        C1      Fits splines to a spectrum continuum by means of a

                graphics terminal crosshairs

        EA      Does averaging of surface brightness in elliptical

                annulae and saves and displays the results

        EM      Measures emission line equivalent widths

        LI      Calculates line indexes for spectra

        PM      Does photometry on F(wavelength) maps using systems

                                                                Page 5

                tabulated in [_.MIIPS.DOC]PHOTOM.SYS

        PR      Computes the center, inclination, eccentricity,

                average surface brightness, and integrated surface

                brightness for annuli of an elliptical galaxy.

        RF      Corrects a spectrum for differential refraction along slit

        RG      Solves for the coefficients of a chosen galaxy surface 

                brightness law from a file prepared by options EA or PR.

        SG      Smooths the X and Y locations, the inclination, and

                the eccentricity of galaxy as solved for by PROFILE;

                the surface brightness is then recomputed.

2 TOpology

  Contracts, expands, and rotates maps and shifts bits

        BI      Bins up pixel values within rectangular areas

        CM      Copys maps from one file to another

        CU      Cuts out a region of a map to another map

        FM      Flips maps in X or Y or both (=180 degree rotation)

        IN      Interpolates spectral maps to -> same origin and


        ME      Merges data of different dispersions or grating settings

        RO      Rotates maps about any center and places them at any new


        S2      Removes selected speckle images from a UM speckle file

        S4      Registers all speckle maps in a file to first map in the


        SH      Moves rows, with scaling, from one map to another

                (the same,smaller, or larger).

        XC      Expands or contracts maps in column and/or row direction

        XY      Shifts maps in X and/or Y directions

2 UTilities

  Converts formats, fits curves, and does statistics

        DEB     Turns on the DEBUG trace (to find where an error is)

        DEF     Constructs a sequence of commands

        DSK     Gives access to disk and the VAX commands;  use LO to

                return to MIIPS.

        FA      Creates a map with artificial two-dimensional images.  

                A gaussian formula or data from a file may be used and

                speckle images of a binary can also be created.

        FE      Creates a map with an artificial spectrum, containing

                a continuum, absorption lines, and/or emission lines.

        FG      Allows one to create a map with artificial galaxy images

                using a chosen surface brightness law or data from a

        FS      Flattens a spectrum by fitting a polynomial to it or by
                interpolating with polynomials

        GA      Calculates  gaussian statistics

        LR      Does linear regression of one row on another

        MM      Calculates the minimum and maximum in specified areas

        MP      Imports foreign disk files, e.g. FITS, to the SAD format

        NI      Adds artificial gaussian noise to a map or data file

        RW      Writes "SYS:RT11RD" files to SAD files, including

                                                                Page 6


        SA      Uses one SAD map as a mask for determining pixel

                values for a second SAD map.  Regions equal to zero

                in the mask result in zeros for an output file.

        SI      Converts VAX unformated files to SAD files

        SS      Models overlapping stars in a map with a standard light

                distribution and subtracts

        SVE     Allows one to inspect .SVE files on disk

        TI      Calculates the Julian Day number, sidereal time,

                azimuth, altitude, and zenith distance

        XP      Exports a SAD file to an 8-bit or 16-bit binary file with

                one row per record.  There is no header included at present.


        The individual commands are documented in more detail as 

separate files, *.DOC, in [MIIPS.DOC] or DTAB:.  Each file contains a brief 

description of the operation and an example of its use (with prompts

answered and brief explainations).