

      EXPORT is a module which takes part or all of a map and exports it
 to a file in a format which can be then be opened by another image 
 processing program.  If the SAD file contains several maps, an output 
 file is created for each map selected by the user.  One can choose 8-bit 
 signed byte , 8-bit unsigned byte (FITS), 16-bit signed integer (FITS), 
 32-bit signed integer (FITS), and 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point (FITS) 
 files at present.  FITS keywords are written to the beginning of the output 
 file(s) whether or not the format is pure FITS.


 Enter an option:                               6-JUL-1993 14:49:31.09
 EXPORT, Version 1
 Open the SAD file to be exported
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
  512 rows of  320 pixels in R4 format
 The output file(s) will have the name(s) sad_name_xxx.FITS
 where xxx is the input map number
 Enter the start-column end-column start-row end-row of the desired area:
 (default = entire map)
 BOUNDARIES=1 100 1 100
 Enter the output format for the file(s):
          8S =  8-bit signed byte
          8U =  8-bit unsigned byte (FITS)
         16S = 16-bit signed integer (FITS) (default)
         32S = 32-bit signed integer (FITS)
         32F = 32-bit IEEE floating point (FITS)
 SIMPLE  =                    T /
 BITPIX  =                   32 /                                   
 NAXIS   =                    2 /                                       
 NAXIS1  =                  100 /                                        
 NAXIS2  =                  100 /                                      
 For MAP =   1 Minimum =   0.4606303E+03 Maximum =   0.1165805E+04
 BZERO =   0.8132177E+03 BSCALE =   0.1641863E-06
 Data is transferred according to:
 EXPORT-format = NINT((SAD-format - BZERO)/BSCALE)
 Enter BZERO:  (default = calculated value)
 Enter the scaling factor, BSCALE:  (default = calculated value)
 BSCALE  =        0.1641863E-06 /                                      
 BZERO   =        0.8132177E+03 /                                       
 CTYPE1  =RA /                                                         
 CRVAL1  =      0.0000000 /REF. POINT VALUE IN   DEG.                  
 CRPIX1  =      0.0000000 /REF. POINT PIXEL   LOCAT.                   
 CDELT1  =      0.0001750 /DEGREES PER   PIXEL                         
 CTYPE2  =DEC /                                                        
 CRVAL2  =      0.0000000 /REF. POINT VALUE IN DEG.                     
 CRPIX2  =      0.0000000 /REF. POINT PIXEL LOCAT.                     
 CDELT2  =      0.0001750 /DEGREES PER PIXEL                                 
 COMMENT =]RUN      06-06-83-013                                      /         
 COMMENT =]OBJECT   A1687 FIRST BRIGHTEST                             /         
 COMMENT =]FILTER   6000 A                                            /         
 COMMENT =]EXPOSURE 2700.000 SECONDS                                  /         