_______________________________________________________________________________ XY XYSHIFT is a module which produces a shift in X and/or Y by either a linear interpolation or a tapered sinc interpolation. Either a part of a map or the entire map can be shifted. The output file can be the same size as the input file or different. If the maps written to exist prior to using this program, only the shifted area is overwritten. Note that a positive shift in either X or Y shifts the the coordinates of a feature in that same direction. _______________________________________________________________________________ Enter an option: 19-AUG-2000 00:35:55.06 OPTION=XY XYSHIFT, Version 3 Open the file to be shifted Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_IN=ETEST There is one map in the file Reading from the file 512 rows of 320 pixels in R4 format Open the output file Enter the filename: (<CR> for default) FILE_OUT= ETEST2 Creating new file Enter the number of columns and the number of rows: MAP_SIZE= ERROR: NO DEFAULT IS POSSIBLE Enter the number of columns and the number of rows: MAP_SIZE=320 512 Enter the output map number: (default = 1) MAPS_OUT= 1 Enter the area to be shifted Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row: (default = entire map) BOUNDARIES= 1 320 1 512 New coordinates = old coordinates + shift Enter the X shift: X_SHIFT=1.37 Enter the Y shift: Y_SHIFT=0.22 Enter a command: L = Linear interpolation T = Tapered sinc interpolation (default) COMMAND= T Enter the number of pixels to use in each dimension: (default = 5) NUMBER= 5 Enter the taper: (default = 1.33) TAPER= 1.33000 Enter the scale factor for the pixel values: (default = 1.0) SCALE= 1.00000 ! The program will take some time to do the calculation. Enter an option: 19-AUG-2000 00:39:09.21 OPTION= _______________________________________________________________________________